Thursday 27 June 2013

Test Tube Baby

Test Tube Baby

  • Test tube babies are babies that are created in a test tube by taking one sperm cell and one egg cell and combining them. So the baby starts to develop in the test tube and is then implanted into the mothers uterus.
  • You were pretty much right. Test tube babies are also called In Vitro babies. I think the spelling is right. It litteraly means "in glass". A sperm and egg are taken from two separate donors. The protective shell that exists on the surface of the female egg cell. When this shell is removed, the sperm cell is allowed to fertalize the egg. After fertilization happens, the zygote is allowed to grow for a while in a nutrition solution. This concoction is placed in a test tube, hence test tube baby. After the cell cluster has reached a certain maturity, it is implanted into the surragate mother. This is the most risky part of the process, as the cells have to bond to the Uterus wall. After they have bonded, the process is officialy complete. After a nine month gestation period, a baby is born. Cool, huh? Note: this is not the same as cloning. Cloning is totaly differant.


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